Hi and welcome!
Jürgen Vielmeier is a German technology and travel journalist writing in German and in English. He is currently the editor of Germany’s #1 corporate blog, Euronics Trendblog. He loves to travel and to write stories about his trips, which he has sold to Spiegel among others. He is also writing for the renowned German tech publications Golem and Techstage.
Lately, he started Toolness.co, an all new visual newsletter about the latest apps, AI and web tools designed to make your live better.

Passions: Phone photography, hiking, bikepacking, globetrotting, table-tennis, writing, Singapore. Private logs: aventurer.com, leidartikel.de (currently paused). Instagram: aventurer33. Contact: mail@
Short bio: Born in 1978, Jürgen gathered his first experience with electronic media in the 1980s: BTX and teletext. Used his juvenile passion to code his own teletext on a C64. Gathered further journalistic experience in the 1990s as a local reporter, for the school’s year book and his own fantasy sports magazine. Started his first blog in 2001. Studied technology journalism (graduated in 2006). Freelancing since then with the conception and production of articles, newsletters, blogs, prose, tech writing, manuals, YouTube videos, podcasts, Reels and TikToks, website copy.
Started his own techblog in 2008, which he sold later, became the leading editor of Germany’s then most famous techblog Basic Thinking in 2010, after which he switched to the renowned Swiss techblogs Neuerdings.com and Netzwertig.com as the deputy editor-in-chief. Head of editorial of Euronics Trendblog since 2013. Episodes of nomad working ever since. Published his first book „Deutschlandreise“ (Germany Tour) in 2022.